How sweet Marci over at Amazing Graze Farms gifted me with this... She has blessed me so much over the years. A farmers wife who is strong in her faith she is truly a woman to emulate.
About this award: When the girls and I want to express our mutual admiration in public we say ‘Less than Three’. If you look at it sideways: <3 It looks like a heart. So I heart you."
I would like to pass this on to:
Tabitha's Heart - I just recently discovered her blog and have already been lifted up by it. This woman truly has a heart for the Lord. she is also a gifted knitter and I hope to glean much from her knitting advice and examples even though I am no where near to be advanced like her!
A Mother's Journal - Such an inspiring blog , always something old and nostalgic and simple. A homeschooling mom who enjoys her life.
Donna at Handfuls is the homeschooling mother of one daughter, a set of triplets and soon another little girl who is anxiously waiting in China for her mommy and daddy to come. They will be traveling very soon!
Unless the Lord - I think her life is beautiful. She has a lovely family and always has the cutest things, pictures and ideas to share -- like her snowmen pretzel rod sweets! I really enjoying visiting her blog and always leave inspired.
Sew Mama Sew - This blog has the absolutely cutest things to sew!! Again, I am inspired every time I visit -- from hats to toys to totes! Oh, I wish I was so talented!
Three is A Magic Number - My sweet friend and mother of 3 who is waiting to travel any time now for her son! What a cutie he is! She works with autistic children which is a gift in itself and has a fetish for black boots. ;) She has often lifted me up when I was down from the wait. She is about to be soooo blessed!
Hope you have a joyous weekend and a year full of fun and surprises!