Question: What is this and why in the world do YOU have it?
Answer: It is a mask, complete with moving mandible, large wooden tusks and hair. yup. Why do I have it, considering it has nothing to do with anything in my life or my uhhh hmmm.. decorating tastes? (well, I do like red) It was my Mother's Day gift last year from Jax. Why do I share this treasured gift with you? Because, if you have sons this is the type of gifts they will probably give you when they grown up. If you try to "hide" the gift or pack it away this is what happens... Jax: "Mom? Where your Mother's Day gift?" Mother: "Which one honey, sugar doodle?" (schmoozing is essential since I know exactly which one he is talking about) Jax: "The amazing mask??!" Mother: "Oh! The lovely mask, yes,yes... ummm..." Jax: "Mama, where is it? I put a lot of thought into that amazing gift and my feelings will be shattered if you do not put it in a place of honor" Mother: "Is... the laundry room ... a place of honor for the mask?" Jax:"Mama! my little heart is broke, your beloved (syrupy) 2nd son... his gift was not appreciated. Here, I will show you were the mask will look beautiful" 2nd son proceeds to get mask from laundry room and put it up in the kitchen in a place of "honor". Mother: "So, like it's a kitchen God?" Jax: "Yes, to help you with your burnt offerings" --- sound of Jax running... sound of mom taking mask and throwing it at Jax (just kidding) sound of mom taking honorable mask back to laundry room. Burnt offerings... humph. Now, we have this conversation at least once a month and the mask usually ends up in a different place, him moving it then me moving it back. Right now it is over my pantry and I try to ignore it when I am whipping up "burnt offerings".
Our vocabulary word for the day, "Show and Tell Friday", was "hectic", meaning: characterized by intense agitation, excitement, confused and rapid movement. The reason I tell you this is the reason why my Show and Tell Friday is late. Life happened or should I say Hectic happened. My camera was not working well so with great excitement and rapid movement I packed it up to send back to Nikon (so I can have it before I travel to China!). I thought I could drop it off when I took Sage (who has had an Pneumonia and an uncommon rash unlike anything you have ever seen- another story) and Piper (who is now also quite sick) to the doctor. In a hectic manner I put my precious camera- oh so carefully- in a box and put the other items I would take with me on top of the box.... Purse, papers, cell phone, library books, grocery list, DVD's to return ---- I mean we were going to town and might as well bring EVERYthing with us and get EVERYthing done. I drove alllll the way to town, in the snow, with my spare tire still on and windshield still cracked and nail still sticking out of the flat tire (another story) in intense agitation. We didn't get out of the doctors office until late and I hectically drove to the Sock Stop (the mountain version of Pak and Ship - another story) trying to make it before he closed. As I pulled up I saw my shipping buddy outside. Closing up. I rolled down my window and in a hectic, pleading voice asked him to puhhhlease take my box. Since we come in often he said "Well, come on in" He had to turn everything back on and gave the girls a sucker (about the 6th one they had been given that day - argh.. I think they are all in cahoots with the dentist on this I honestly do). I felt sooo much better getting my package shipped and I felt that hectic pressure release form my inner being... whew. It was dark by the time we got home and that morning,being so hectic, I had forgotten my cell phone at home so was anxious to see if the agency called about our travel approval. When I got home I looked high and low and couldn't find my cell phone but was so tired I just went to bed. The next morning I woke and went to find my cell phone. I was confused as to where in the world I had put that phone and quickly became agitated. The vocabulary for that day was "Fetch" but I was still on "hectic" as I searched high and low for that cell phone as I needed to call my husband. I couldn't find it anywhere... argh.. I had another appointment, or rather my car did, this time for the broken windshield. I was in an agitated mood since I couldn't find my phone. I just knew the agency would call with my travel info! We piled in the car on our way back to town as I thought of all the places I could have left my phone. A bit down the road it hit me..... It was in the box. On it's way to NY.
I prayed to the Lord that UPS had not picked it up yet. I am sure the Lord was a bit agitated as I had already prayed that UPS would be swift in picking up and delivering my package so I could get my camera back. Of course this is why He is God. I then got tickled thinking of my cell phone ringing in the Sock Stop shop or in the UPS man's hands.... In great excitement I stepped into the shop to fetch my box hoping it was still there. AS I stepped into the shop I spied my box. whew... Mr Sock Stop man: "Your cell phones in that box ain't it." Me: sheepishly blushing... "uhhh yeah."
So welcome to my world... Sometimes hectic, always exciting, many times peaceful but always trying to learn how I can please the Lord more....
Oh, with great anxiousness I say "No, our TA did not come in" With great agitation I say "All the other agencies got their TA's"
Hope you have a non-hectic, un-agitated day! With the Lord's help I am. :o)