Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them... (Psalm 127 4-5)
Have you felt that something is changing in the world? Well, there is. While some Christian families have allowed their families to fall into the world others are standing up and stepping up to the challenge. The challenge of purpose and direction. A challenge not just to parent, but parent with a purpose. Taking each day as a gift to raise godly arrows that go out into the world to let the light of Christ shine through them.
You will be introduced to many families, such as the Harrises and Tebows, as well as other individuals throughout this book. Families to emulate, that inspire and who raise their children with a purpose, a reason.
What is the goal for your family? Do you just get up, get your children dressed, feed them, take them to school, pick them up, take them to soccer practice, get them dinner, make sure they brush their teeth, go to bed and then get up and start all over? Do you have a direction? Are you raising children who expect to be served or who will serve?
When a warrior takes his arrow from the quiver and shoots, he shoots at a target. He has trained and worked to make sure his aim is true and sure. His arrows are straight, the tips sharpened to a fine point so they will penetrate. His bow is tight and accurate. His goal? To hit the target.
Mrs. Ferweda has written a timely, Godly message for all families using the scripture from Psalm 127. To gather, sharpen and launch. Your family is that quiver, gather them. Your children those arrows, make them sharp. Your aim is to launch them and send the Godly message to those they come in contact with... the target... the world.
Will the world change our children...or will our children change the world?
I encourage you to get this book, read it and apply it. Now. Now is the time. I now I will be.
Author Julie Ferwerda
Julie Ferwerda is recognized for making the Bible exciting and relevant to everyday life through her writing and speaking. Her articles are featured in many Christian magazines and websites for both adults and teens, and she frequently volunteers her time and talents to international orphan ministry. Learn more at